Gallstones were described since the third centrury AC. Since then, there has been fascination in studying this common disease. Currently, there is an incidence between 10 and 20% in developed countries. It is estimated that there are 20 million people suffering from this disease in the United States. It is estimated that, in Guatemala, the incidence of gallstones is around 15% of the population.
The amount of bile produced by the liver is about one to one and a half liters per day. It is formed in its majority of water. Besides water, it contains biliary salts and acids, cholesterol and bilirubin. Once produced, the bile is stored in the gallbladder. Besides storing the bile, the gallbladder concentrates it until it acquires a consistency similar to oil.
The bile is produced in response to the presence of food in the stomach, especially the presence of fatty meals. When the digested food arrives to the duodenum (the first portion of the small bowel), the gastrointestinal tract secretes certain hormones that make the gallbladder to squeeze the bile into the duodenum through a small duct. This is called the common bile duct.
When the gallbladder does not work properly, there is a small remnant of bile inside of it. This disease is known as “gallbladder dyskinesia
La obesidad es la segunda causa más frecuente de muertes prevenibles en Guatemala debido a que está directamente relacionada a la diabetes, presión alta, síndrome metabólico, apnea del sueño y muchas otras enfermedades incluyendo el cáncer. Independientemente del tipo de cirugía de reducción de peso (cirugía bariátrica), la pérdida de peso resulta en una resolución completa de la mayoría de enfermedades asociadas a la obesidad en más del 80% de los pacientes. En el resto de pacientes, estas enfermedades mejoran considerablemente luego de bajar de peso. Por consiguiente, no se trata de una cirugía estética, se realiza por salud, pero los resultados estéticos van de la mano.
Our digestive system is designed as a one-way street: food goes from our mouths to the esophagus and into the stomach, where the digestion begins, and the nutrients reach the intestines where they are absorbed into the blood. Esophageal reflux occurs when part of the stomach contents (like food, gastric acid, bile, etc.) return to the esophagus.
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